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Sunday, 23 October 2011

Interior design in Thailand

“Interior design concept by Pro-Plan GroupThailand”

Interior Design or decor is the art of decorating a room so that it is attractive, easy to use, and functions well with the existing architecture.
The goal of interior decoration is to provide a certain “feel” for the room; it encompasses applying wallpaper, wall decals, painting walls and other surfaces, choosing furniture and fittings, such as light fixtures, floorplans and providing other decorations for the area such as paintings, sculptures and carpets. In some cases, interior decorating is performed professionally by certified interior decorators
Kensington are pleased to provide a complete interior design service throughout Thailand. Our new and exciting association with one of the world’s top interior designer companies allows us to assist customers in turning their dreams into a reality.
Whether you’re looking for a fresh new look for your retirement home, a fabulous theme for your new luxury house, the exclusive tropical villa, an executive office, board room, a new night club and bar or the ‘wow’ factor for that 5 star hotel/resort.

Interior design is now an integral part of both residential and commercial properties. It is an essential aspect of any major hotel chain or resort and vital to bring exciting new concepts to the market place. Long gone have the days when hotels could suffice with standard rooms and furniture; to compete on the international market it is vital each has there own
special theme, which soon becomes part of their overall trademark. A trademark, which if created correctly will have their customers coming back time and time again.
The right colour schemes to calm the mind, soft, tasteful furnishings to relax the body and enchanting sculptures to muse upon. These and many more unique concepts not only enrich your lifestyle but also put you on a new path of artistic discovery. You will welcome the new soothing effects of the right use of colour and wallow in the luxuriant nature of your dazzling new property. As a company we are extremely pleased to be associated with one of the world’s best and excited to be able to introduce you to a whole new world of lifestyle living.

In this section you find all detailed business sectors which can be summarized as trade fairs Furniture, Interior Design.
Altogether ExpoDataBase distinguishes trade shows of more than 20 categories of business sectors such as trade fairs Furniture, Interior Design and in total 160 different detailed business sectors like the business sectors given above as selection list.
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After having selected one of the detailed business sectors from above, the next search step will lead you to the choice of a year in which trade fairs Furniture, Interior Design for this business sector take place in Thailand.
Please note that only years are listed, for which there exist entries on ExpoDatabase for the detailed business sector of trade fairs Furniture, Interior Design in the country chosen.
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From Dubai to Costa Rica, Chiang Mai to Phuket, Dublin to London and China to Russia; these exciting bunch of professional, creative people have done it all. From high spec offices, corporate boardrooms, luxury apartments, exclusive villas, bars/restaurants, presidential villas, exotic tropical resorts and sumptuous 5 star hotels.
They continually bring creative and exciting new concepts, rich in fashionable colours, beautiful designs and lush comfortable furnishings; whether you have ideas or not, it is of no matter as these seasoned professionals guide through a wonderful realm of enchanting and inspirational suggestions; restricted only by their fervent imaginations and your specific desires.
This truly is a chance to open the doors on a whole new world of interior design.

Thailand Interior Design Companies are spreading their wings. We are increasingly getting requests to recommend Thai Interior design companies for projects worldwide. Office designers, hotel designers and especially Thai spa design companies are in huge demand.
There are of course a myriad of Thai companies who sell furniture and furnishings here in Thailand. Some, not all offer a design service as well. But it is the specialist Thai design companies that are attracting attention.
I suspect that it is not only their their design skills that are in demand but also their access to the wide range of exquisite furnishings and furniture that is becoming such a draw. Thai silks, hardwood furniture and high quality Thai handicrafts just to name a few.

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